Sunday, May 29, 2011

good quotes on friendship

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  • mattcube64
    Apr 7, 11:13 PM
    Another one, lulz :p

    Also had some Chipotle, got gasoline, and picked up some screen protectors and random accessories.

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  • timerollson
    Apr 10, 02:09 PM
    Needed some spring inspiration and contact lens solution....

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  • geoffism
    Jan 9, 02:20 PM
    ok look a this.
    it dont have 3 g
    it dont have mms
    you cant send messages to more then one at a time.
    you cant drag over music in itunes you have to put it on list who must syncronise(not the biggest problem)
    it is not possible to download contacts from sim
    its more difficult to call,set up contacts and so on compare to sony/nokia
    you cant connect to more then one computer(apple think youre a thief if you do?)
    But idoes haves it ups but all in all i think it sucks(i not you)..he,he

    So hopefully the next iphone will fix some of this problem ergo the statement...
    best regards:)

    Thanks for the heads up. Its officially on my list of things to check out. I have a couple buddies that have the iPhone, so, I get to conduct my own focus group.


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  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:35 AM
    I can hear it now "By the way, Macbooks and Macbook Pro's now come with Core 2 Duo Processors...Now on with the show!"

    Eh well, A guy can dream can't he?

    Yes, you can dream. Dream it you ********** dreamers.


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  • tkermit
    Apr 5, 04:51 PM
    I think Apple knew what they were doing. I think they may integrate this with Ping (worst thing ever), like 'PersonX likes the same music as you and also likes AdvertY' as some sort of viral marketing.

    A marriage made in hell :D

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  • saunders45
    Sep 8, 10:27 AM
    So Saunders then what you're saying is that to believe in god you can't swear? He's not sending mixed messages because his songs aren't saying ******* god.

    And just so you know, compared to any other big rappers right now, Kanye doesn't swear at all. He has the cleanest lyrics of any of the current big rappers because he isn't gangsta rap.

    While I do agree that he isn't a thug/gangsta rapper, which is a good thing, I still believe he is sending mixed messages. He is trying to portay himself as though he believes/follows Jesus, and yet is swearing......

    Do I believe in God? ******* yeah!!!

    Sounds kind of stupid to me........ Mixing God and swearing....


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  • jimbo110
    Sep 12, 08:36 AM
    It's showtime in the danish store as well. It looks like a international update. That's positive sign.

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  • leomac08
    Apr 12, 08:39 PM
    Whatta Fu**!????????????????????????? :eek:

    Who is the background voice, is it another sibling or the girl saying I don't want to get pat down?


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  • Creibold
    Nov 23, 05:24 PM
    Wow for the 80gb iPod that like what? 3%?? What a sale.

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  • geoffism
    Jan 9, 11:55 AM
    i expect a new iphone(yes i do).the current iphone i think sucks i rather buy a nokia/sony ericson....

    really? do you have one or is this from a distance opinion? Asking, because I am on the verge...


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  • ssk2
    Apr 16, 07:19 AM
    I don't know why Google is bothering. The Amazon cloud system *should be*/is great and competition enough for iTunes - both in terms of pricing (certainly) and usability (more debatable).

    The fact that Android doesn't need an iTunes-esque system to compete with Apple means that they should probably give it up now.

    Note: For the fanboys out there, please don't get too excited by this. Amazon's cloud is going to present new and interesting challenges for Apple, I don't think Google's failure to negotiate with the jumped up music industry is necessarily a bad thing, all things considered!

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 10:35 AM
    already exists - Amazon Cloud/Music Player

    What's go good about it?

    It's like dropbox but free for 5GB. :rolleyes:


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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Aug 2, 05:40 AM
    Let us just stick to the main subject here.

    Explain to me why you people feel threatened, harmed or hurt by the DRM?Remember, even if the press is very hung up on DRM, that is not the only principle in queation in the initial complaint. Most important, IMO, is Apple reserving the right to change the terms of the sale after the sale. And that is not only illegal, but very bad business practice... for the consumer, that is... :(

    I don't give a toss about DRM on downloadable media in general. Of course if it actually bothered me I wouldn't even have bought the 8 songs I have from iTMS, but it doesn't. I actually think Fairplay is pretty fair... :)

    One thing I don't like so called copy-protected CDs because they can hurt your equipment (car stereos, slot loading PCs, etc) by getting stuck, and you don't get an option to buy real CDs of the "copy-protected" albums, but that's for another thread... ;)

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  • darkpaw
    Jan 15, 03:44 PM
    Besides, how much will it cost in the UK?
    Ah, starting at �1,199, which is... $2,352.62, or $553.62 more. Rip. Off. Unless there's a new tax that means you have to add 30% to everything? :mad:


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  • wpotere
    Apr 13, 11:17 AM
    There are already armed marshall on many flights in the US. WHen was the last time we had a shoot out in the sky? :rolleyes:

    His point was remove the TSA security check and only have only armed air marshals. Bringing a gun to a bomb fight is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

    My point was that the TSA security does provide a buffer to keep terrorists from boarding a plane packed with explosives where an armed masrhal is going to be useless.

    The world we once knew no longer exists, time to get used to it.

    good quotes on friendship. some good quotes on friendship
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  • vincenz
    Mar 17, 05:55 PM
    That happened to me just last week..

    I was answering a call beside a guy at a bus stop who had an evo.. Out of no where he was like "Hey, you better hurry up before that call drops.."

    So I just stared at him for a few seconds and said "Well atleast it wont be because my batteries dead"

    I knew I got him, because he couldnt come up with anything better and just stared at me with depression as if to say "awwww hes right -_-".. :apple:

    Hah awesome! :D


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  • breadesign
    Jan 15, 03:41 PM
    ... The iPhone is a great piece of kit, but this software update is a great disappointment. Generally I know where I am, so the psuedo GPS thing is something I can't see myself using (and to be honest if I didn't know where I was, then I'm pretty damn sure that there wouldn't be any O2 coverage anyway!).

    What would have been great was simple functionality... like if someone texts you a number, I'd like to save it to an existing (or new) contact. Similarly I might like to text (or email) someone one of my contacts numbers.

    I'm sure some people will look on it as nitpicking, but these things are 'normal' on most phones. Frankly moving icons around comes a poor second to basic user friendliness.

    -end of whinge

    good quotes on friendship. good quotes on friendship. good quotes on friendship. good quotes on friendship. iJohnHenry. Mar 13, 01:23 PM. Where did you get that figure from?
  • good quotes on friendship. good quotes on friendship. good quotes on friendship. iJohnHenry. Mar 13, 01:23 PM. Where did you get that figure from?

  • scu
    Oct 20, 05:51 PM
    Whoa dude. Good for you, but you are playing a *very, very* dangerous game leveraging that much. You don't know what could happen in the stock market. It might not have anything to do with Apple - it could be another terrorist attack in the U.S., or some other world-shaking event overseas (e.g. coup in Russia, revolts in China).

    Don't do it, man. You're already making money on Apple stock - don't get greedy. Let me give you a cautionary tale: in 2000 my stock portfolio went from $100,000 to $30,000 in a matter of days. Not because the market went down by 70%, but rather because I was buying heavily on margin and the market went down by 20 or 30% or more in a few days (more in the tech stocks I owned). And I did *not* own any dot-bomb stocks. I invested in solid tech companies that are still doing well today, like BEA and IBM. The drop in stock price had *nothing* to do with the fundamental strength of the company or even their recent performance. It was just a market-wide overreaction. Give it some serious thought, man...

    P.S. Since then, I've basically only invested in market-indexed funds (mostly S&P 500 but also some international funds since countries like India and China are growing faster than U.S.). I figure if I'm gonna get rich it's going to be based on what's happening in my career/professional life, not based on any investments. I just don't need the grief of seein my hard-earned cash flushed down the drain because of events I have no control over.

    Yes I know it is risky. But my Margin Equity is 53% and I can not see it going down any time soon.

    good quotes on friendship. good quotes about friends.
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  • Puck.
    Jan 14, 01:40 PM
    Pretty sure that the "something in the air" is the stench of the hardcore fanboys leaving their parents' basements for the first time in months...

    May 4, 04:32 PM
    tell me about it. and i can't fix it until this weekend. but hopefully i can get it stable then

    Speaking of aggravation, I'm having trouble with my new system. I'm back to stock cpu speed and for some reason the wu's don't want to use all of the cores/threads so bigadv units are running at 45+ min per frame now from 27 min per frame the first time I ran folding.

    Apr 21, 12:03 PM
    It may be that the backend has a different value stored than what displayed in your cached version. Honestly I know about as much of the system as you do. I haven't seen that behavior exhibited but I do thank you for bringing it up so that it can be looked into.

    Sep 29, 09:24 AM
    by current standards around here, not having a private bathroom for EACH bedroom, and a LARGE closet, is pretty substandard. Also, to only have *1* walk-in in the master rather than 2 is not good. No home theater? Large gym with panoramic views? Sauna/steam room/? Sun room? Library? Detached guest suite or guest house (in-law/nanny quarters, etc.)? Swimming pool? Hot tub?

    Sounds like a naysayer's talking points.

    "by current standards in the computer industry, not having a port for EACH peripheral, and a LARGE storage device, is pretty substandard. Also, to only have *1* source of apps rather than 2 or more is not good. No big/dual screen? Full sized keyboard with cursor & numerics? Multicore processor? Printer/scanner? Upgradable memory? Separate user logins or guest access (kids, co-worker, etc.)? Native compiler? Wired networking?"

    This house will become as lauded for minimalism perfected as his product line.

    A few years into my 2500+ sq ft home, I'm realizing how little of it we use, and the poor (albeit normal) layout thereof. Jobs' layout is right: one floor should for, as ArtOfWarfare put it, eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing - once you go to that floor, you can stay there to satisfy those prolonged basic needs; should you wish to transition to other activities, you go to another floor (or building) so situated. I like it, a nice scalable design. Cross the space layout of Jobs' home with the environment-friendly design of Bush's home and the result would be awesome.

    Mar 17, 01:33 AM
    You're actually breaking the law by knowingly paying less. Especially breaking the law by acknowledging it online.

    Smart.... And honest... Congrats

    Tampa Tom
    May 4, 07:05 AM
    If you asked Motorola they's say, "It's Godzilla!"


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